
Resetovanie Epson L-série

Resetovanie hladiny atramentov pre tlačiarne Epson L100/L200/L800.

Na resetovanie hladiny atramentov pre tlačiarne Epson L100 / L200 / L800 budete potrebovať softvér WIC Reset Utility.

Upozornenie: Program resetuje iba takú hladinu atramentu, ktorá hlási prázdny stav, resp. je na minime!

Otvorte program a kliknite na "Read ink levels"

Program načíta presný stav hladiny atramentov.

Následne kliknite na "Reset ink levels" a program vyresetuje hladinu atramentu na 100%. (na foto čierny atrament).


Resetovanie hladiny atramentov pre tlačiarne Epson L110 / L210 / L300 / L355 / L550.

Resetovanie pre tlačiarne Epson je podstatne jednoduchšie. Nie je potrebný žiadny softvér. Keď sa blíži hladina atramentu k minimu, tlačiareň zobrazí na displeji správu, že atrament sa čoskoro minie. Stlačte tlačidlo na 3 sekundy. Tlačiareň Vám ponúkne možnosť pokračovať v tlači. Pre zachovanie kvality tlače, odporúčame pred týmto krokom doliať atrament do príslušného zásobníka tlačiarne. Zabránite tým zavzdušneniu systému a zníženej kvalite tlače. Tým je tlačiareň pripravená na použitie.

Tlačte kvalitne, tlačte s ColorWay!

 Prezrite si ponuku kvalitných kompatibilných atramentov pre Epson tankové tlačiarne za ceny, ktoré sa oplatia!

you have ended one or another color while printing, the printer will displays a message that is out of ink.To reset the printer, you just simply enough to hold the buttonfor 3 seconds and the printer will give you the opportunity to print on. For quality printing, you will need to refill the ink beforehand, in order to avoid "airing" the print head and loss of quality when printing.

Your printer is ready to use, print with ColorWay.

- See more at: http://colorway.com/inklevelreset/#button_reset

you have ended one or another color while printing, the printer will displays a message that is out of ink.To reset the printer, you just simply enough to hold the buttonfor 3 seconds and the printer will give you the opportunity to print on. For quality printing, you will need to refill the ink beforehand, in order to avoid "airing" the print head and loss of quality when printing.

Your printer is ready to use, print with ColorWay.

- See more at: http://colorway.com/inklevelreset/#button_reset


you have ended one or another color while printing, the printer will displays a message that is out of ink.To reset the printer, you just simply enough to hold the buttonfor 3 seconds and the printer will give you the opportunity to print on. For quality printing, you will need to refill the ink beforehand, in order to avoid "airing" the print head and loss of quality when printing.

Your printer is ready to use, print with ColorWay.

- See more at: http://colorway.com/inklevelreset/#button_reset

you have ended one or another color while printing, the printer will displays a message that is out of ink.To reset the printer, you just simply enough to hold the buttonfor 3 seconds and the printer will give you the opportunity to print on. For quality printing, you will need to refill the ink beforehand, in order to avoid "airing" the print head and loss of quality when printing.

Your printer is ready to use, print with ColorWay.

- See more at: http://colorway.com/inklevelreset/#button_reset
L300, L355, L550
L300, L355, L550